Since I know blotter art , I know about Lucifer’s art. Several of his pieces became icons of blotter art. Nobody really knows him, besides his close circle, yet everyone pretends to be his producer or friend, like it happens with most famous players in every art form. Now here is your chance to learn a bit more about who really is Lucifer and what his art is about …
- – Can you tell us your real name and artist name?
My birth name is Lucifer…
- – Date and place of birth?
I was born in London January, 1975 in Paddington.
- – Nationality?
Universal, Unicursal.
- – Where do you live now?
I oscillate between Glastonbury and the Aethers.
- – Can you tell us about your academic / artistic background ?
I have been creating arts, crafts and music since I could stand. I have also attended Media and Art schools in my youth as well as working in many areas of film, photography, drama, music and design.
- – How and when did you discover blotter art?
I discovered blotter art in my early teens whilst attending acid house and rave parties looking for the ultimate high. I was at a traveller encampment on the outskirts of Bath in the U.K. on route to a free party in Bristol in the late 80’s and I ended up sitting in a dark scarlet 2 person sofa next to a camp fire outside a traveller encampment within a central mass of vehicles at around 5-6 pm in the early evening waiting for a friend who had gone to, as he put it ‘buy some acid’. . At first I didn’t think to much about it, as I was keeping my eyes aware & my wits about me. Upon his return he opened up a piece of tin foil approx 8 inches square & proceeded to hand me a full sheet of dipped lsd… The Leary profile… With extra dipped skulls & Crossbones on his shoulder… I was in awe, instantly. Not to mention the residue slipping in through my warm fingertips heightening my perception that indeed this was a most holy moment that had for me changed everything in one second. Not only was i holding a freshly dipped whole sheet, but one with a visionary picture containing encoded messages, the Smile theory ( Space. Migration. Intelligence(sq)= Life. Extension ) and with musical notes spiraling from his ear. In all, its effect on me was epic to say the least. The nature of occult information being passed into the public realm by medium of these messages was something I was deeply moved by. I hoped in my youth to discover by my own means, the truth of the nature of reality & was sure that others must like myself, exist… Lsd was helping me in non conventional methods of learning & through the use of source material found in books & later the internet I started to discover blends & streams of information steering towards the proof of various secret Societies which upheld the same search for knowledge & wisdom as myself, may actually exist. One of the first tabs of LSD I saw had a triangle with an eye in the centre & another had sets of geometric symbols & religious iconography. There were flying keys & cherubs and even deities such as Ganesh & Buddha starting to appear. As time progressed I found more doors opening & as a result it became apparent that the only way to acquire another full sheet, was to make my own… After some effort and many years later, I finally met Monkey in 2002.

- – What drew you into creating your own blotter art?
I wanted to create the messages and symbols for people who consumed LSD. The idea of being an artist is just something that happened later and in most part because of Monkey.
- – How many blotter art pieces did you make?
I’m uncertain, a few hundred, maybe more… I have been producing them since the early 2000’s and only around two thirds of those were for art collectors. The others were most certainly eaten and unless someone one out there kept some back, probably they only exist in my own collection. editor’s note (pics below are just a selection, not the full range )

- – Who printed and perforated your pieces then and now?
Monkey printed around 70% of my works, another 10% I printed in the USA. The rest I produced myself with perf machines built here and there over the decades.
- –What do you feel makes blotter art a unique art form?
Blotter art is blotter art. Not someone’s picture on blotting paper. That’s not blotter art at all. Blotter art has always been in its true form a sacred medium to advance consciousness beyond the mundane and is not, I believe, for putting pointless cartoons on and regurgitating the same overly used images again and again. If I have to see another Homer Simpson or Albert Hofmann sketch or a Rick and Morty blotter image again it will be way too soon. Its not even slightly interesting to any real psychonought or adept of any higher understanding. Let alone anyone with any real interest in art. I’d personally say 80% of blotter art, as it exists today, is basically waste paper. Blotter art has been getting worse and worse over the last decade particularly and doesn’t look to be getting any better anytime soon. Sometimes I wonder if I will continue. For now I have some new interesting ideas I’d like to create before I move on.
- – What has blotter art brought to your creative process?
I’d say blotter art is just a by-product of something far greater. The substance. The art is just a message to those partaking in the Sacrement. Not the sacrament itself. Without the Substance it’s just a picture, and if it’s not even real blotter art, then it certainly is just a picture. Nothing more.
- – What was your first blotter art creation?
My first piece of signed blotter art was the Cosmic Turtles produced by Monkey in December 2004. Signed and stamped edition of 50 sheets. I never printed a second edition and didn’t know more sheets had printed until 8 years later when I saw them for sale online. Naughty Monkey I thought 😉

- What blotter art piece you made is your favorite and why?
- My favorite blotter piece that I produced was made for a very close friend in Switzerland ‘Roger Liggenstorfer’. I produced around 25 sheets on pure cotton paper for his 60th birthday to commemorate his lifetime of achievements…

- – Do you have a blotter art collection besides your own creations? If yes what is your most valuable piece?
Yes I have around 3000 sheets of blotter from the early 70’s up ‘till quite recently, although I collect mainly signed sheets, I have many unsigned from pre-2000 which still hold true to the original format. I have 4 different signed Albert Hofmann sheets of which 2 are my own designs plus I have allot from Mark, as well as Thomas Lyttle etc… Also I have a large collection of custom blotters that were not made for showing as art. 20 years worth of designs never seen by the public let alone anyone else. Along with many personal signed sheets from the likes of ,Mark McCloud, Lee scratch Perry, Alex Grey, Ralf Metzner, Christian Rätch, Dennis McKenna, Luke Brown, Android Jones, Smiles, Jon Hanna, Albert Hoffman, Etc… Everyone interested in the LSD eventually gets a visit.

- – What blotter art piece you didn’t make is your favorite and why?
My favorite blotter designs are obviously Mark McClouds. Especially the Double sided Alice but also the gold and black Eye of Horus in the triangle. I also love the recent Barbie on acid.

- – Which other blotter artist do you like/admire?
My personal favorite artist is Rick Sinnett. It was his designs that inspired me the most in the beginning. My absolute fav being the Beetles 9 square. I have all but 1 design of ricks signed in my collection.

- – On a collector stand point, vintage vs vanity?
Vintage. Vanity is mainly produced by people who have no real experience with LSD. Or indeed anything to do with the real history of LSD. No matter how colorful it is. Its just a pretty picture..
- – What is your opinion about people tearing up blotter art to sell shards or so called “minis”?
If it was worth anything in the first place it wouldn’t be torn up. It shows how worthless most blotter art has become in the last decade. if it’s just another cartoon sketch or row of obscure symbols with no meaning, your just embarrassing yourself and the whole scene whilst you go about it.
- – Do you have a website where you sell your blotter art ? If not, where can people buy your creations?
If you really want it you’ll find it. Otherwise it’s not for you.
- – Any other favorite site you would like our readers to check out?
Mark McClouds blotterbarn.com The best place for anyone to learn about the real thing and gain some valuable knowledge.
- – Anything blotter art related you would like to add?
Keep tripping and keep it real. The true message of blotter art becomes clear when you look beyond the pictures and all the pretty colors.